Advance Others to Advance Yourself
Going North: Tips & Techniques to Advance Yourself

There are many opportunities available for those seeking more out of life. Going North! will help you start on that journey. This book is about unlocking the door and stepping into a place of continuous personal growth. Filled with wise words and actionable advice, this book will help you to learn:
How to develop and maintain a positive attitude
How to become a better thinker
Why your time is more precious than money
Why you must continue to encourage yourself and others
Why the golden rule is still shiny
Customer Review:
Brightmon really respects the reader's time here. His background in library work shines through, as he has curated the ideas some of the best-known thought-leaders, as well as more obscure philosophers, into a book that cuts through the overwhelming noise of self-help hucksters that plague modern best-seller lists. Every line is filled with practical wisdom. Normally with books of this nature, authors tend to love to "hear themselves talk;" Brightmon goes a different route, eschewing fluff for the sake of conciseness and content; thus, I had to similarly shed my tendency to speed-read, as I am used to authors hiding their gold under piles of superfluous chatter.
His tone is approachable and easily readable, yet his words demand contemplation. It is as if he is giving you the extra time you save reading to actually go and do the actions this book inspires you to do. This, in essence, is not the sort of book that you consume and then condemn to a lifetime of dust-collection. Rather, this is a compact guide that deserves a presence in your briefcase, backpack, messenger bag, or purse; something to return to again and again to keep you "going north."
- John Hunter, Toastmaster & Licensed Professional Counselor
Stay The Course: The Elite Performer's 7 Secret Keys to Sustainable Success

Have you generated some success for yourself? Are you looking to create more success and sustain it? This book is about having the mindset to overcome any obstacle and create more wins in your life. Filled with quotes, stories and actionable advice this book will help you to learn:
The major key of elite performance that enables the other 7.
The habits of successful people that generate a dynamic life.
How to increase your effectiveness in your workplace.
How to have an excellent day, every day.
Why crisis creates the champion that you are meant to be.
“In Stay the Course: The Elite Performers 7 Secret Keys to Sustainable Success, Dominique Brightmon provides next-level insights. This is a practical field guide to get you to greatness. Dominique lives his message and practices what he preaches. These tips and strategies are relevant and immediately applicable. Buy this book today and stay the course to your Mountaintop.”
- Jeff Davis, author of “Reach Your Mountaintop” and authentic leadership expert
“Stay the Course is a must-read for everyone looking to get to their next level. It is motivational and inspirational. Dom provides quotes and stories that are encouraging and relatable to readers. If you are looking to achieve and maintain your success
then Stay the Course is the book for you.”
- Christina Alva, Serial Entrepreneur & Author of “Beyond the Job Description”
Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy
Do bad things happen to good people, or could the difficulties we face be gifts in disguise? You decide as thirty courageous authors share their poignant true stories with you.
Walk alongside the writers as they weather the storms of gender and sexual identity, crises of faith, divorce, addiction, health challenges, lost love, and more. Find inspiration for your future as you gain a deeper insight into the meaning of life's challenges.
Share in the personal power and profound joy of testimonials by several prominent figures:
Co-author Reverend Ariel Patricia's past lives that prove she has experienced lasting love
Co-author Kathleen O'Keefe Kanavos' good friend Petronelle, who taught her to "laugh till it heals" to help her overcome life-threatening illness
Spiritual Leader Reverend Dr. Temple Hayes, who found Unity within herself as a gay woman after being judged by her family
NY Times bestselling author Dr. Bernie Siegel's mystical nudges by deceased wife, Bobbie
Media guru Ken Walls' journey to sobriety and the night he knew he needed help
Survivor Connie Bramer's memories of her mom, who lost her battle with breast cancer
Nurse Diane Vich as she connects to her goddess within before sharing Covid-19 results
Self-leadership expert Dom Brightmon's setback year of discovering his father's Alzheimers
And more empowering true stories of grit, grace, and love that begin in upheaval and end with cathartic joy. If you liked Chaos to Clarity, the first book of the series, you will love this standalone second book. Grab your tissues! Prepare to cry and learn to laugh till it heals as you enjoy tales that shift from Crappy to Happy.
"This work transcends quick fixes and pop psychology to focus on something else: how to live life fully and spiritually in the real world of pain, self-discovery, struggle, and joy. And remarkably, what is displayed in this anthology is an authentic look at how and why joy can win."
-James Redfield, NY Times bestselling author of The Celestine Prophecy
The Going North Advancement Compass: Prepare, Act, & Reflect Daily to Create Success
Feeling lost on your path to success? Stop spinning your wheels and chart a northbound course for greatness with The Going North Advancement Compass!
This journal equips you with the PAR Method: a simple yet effective framework to design your dream life, one intentional day at a time.
Inside, you'll discover:
Prepare: Each day starts with intention. Identify your goals and what "good" you'll bring to the world.
Act: Take decisive action, equipped with a clear plan and the belief that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
Reflect: Learn from your experiences. Celebrate your wins and use setbacks as stepping stones to propel you forward.
The Going North Advancement Compass is more than just a journal; it's your personal growth GPS. With its guidance, you'll be able to:
Become a Good Day Architect who knows how to plan for a productive day
Cultivate a positive and proactive mindset.
Boost your confidence and fuel your motivation for continued success.
Embrace continuous learning and growth.
Are you ready to go north? Get your copy today!